Interactive Media and Educational Context- Activity 1

One of the courses I teach in grade 4 and 5 science is the human digestive system. I can see using short video portions to meet learning outcomes by detailing the function of each system component separately, and then doing a culminating activity ‘in person’. I, too, am not certain whether “lasting learning gains were attained” (Shelton, Warren, & Archambault, 2016, p. 472), and so tying all the components together in a classroom setting would allow me to assess the quality of student learning from the interactive video component.

Challenges to this undertaking would not be hung up on technology; because of our small school population, we are relatively device rich, and so have plenty of access during school time. This does not facilitate the learning outside of class, necessarily, but does make it practical within the building. Owing to the fact that we are a geographic fragmented district, the development of this media would fall on me. As such, the biggest limiter would be twofold; first, the mastery and facility that I may or may not have using the design software, and having the content available. Second, the amount of time I have available to dedicate to developing said media in conjunction with my full teaching load, my familial obligations, my community responsibilities, and my post-secondary academic commitments.


Shelton, C.C., Warren, A.E. & Archambault, L.M. Exploring the Use of Interactive Digital Storytelling Video: Promoting Student Engagement and Learning in a University Hybrid Course. TechTrends 60, 465–474 (2016).


Outlining Student Video Activities


Creating Interactive Text


  1. We have recently become a school that is similar and fortunately there are a couple of computer teachers that I would be able share these duties with. Is there anyone that you could collaborate with to reduce the amount of time being put in by yourself and instead share it around?

    • Hi, Brian…
      Perhaps I wasn’t clear as to the size of my school… We are quite small, as in, 4 teachers. Two of my colleagues are not particularly computer savvy, so that leaves the division of labour to two of us, who both teach a full load in addition to taking on other leadership duties within the school and the community. I have considered collaboration, but there is simply not the population here to make it effective.

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